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PriVolve | Dr Priyam R Sharma


  • What is Homoeopathy?
    Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which is based on the principal of ‘Like cures like’. Though considered as an alternative system of medicine, it is the second-most leading system of medicine in the world. The major pillars on which Homoeopathic Practice is based are: Individualization: Homoeopathy believes that every individual is unique and so are his or her needs. Two people suffering from the same disease need not necessarily have the same reaction to it. Although the symptoms might be the same but the reactions to the disease, the suffering, the potential to bear with or combat a disease differ from person to person. And hence, Homoeopathy believes in Individualization. Holistic Approach: Homoeopathy deals with the disease as a whole and not in parts. When you are afflicetd by a disease, it is not just your physical body that suffers. Your Mind and Body are a whole. When one is affected, the other will be affected as a rule. Homoeopathic treatment takes into account not only the physical complaints but also, the mental and emotional factors as well as the life situation. And hence, Holistic healing is what is required.
  • Is Homoeopathy a slow process?
    Homoeopathy is not a slow, prolonged process. The duration of treatment depends upon the duration of illness as well as the response of an individual. An age-old/ chronic illness should not be expected to be cured in the same duration as an acute illness like cough/cold. Most patients choose Homoeopathy as a secondary mode or the last resort when most amount of damage has been done or the disease has progressed drastically. To remove this disease in its entire entity will obviously take more time than an acute illness.
  • Is Homoeopathy useful in acute illnesses?
    Yes! Homoeopathy is useful in a variety of acute illnesses including fever, cough, cold, diarrhoeas, urinary tract infections, injuries etc. And NO! treating them is not a long process.
  • Does Homoeopathy have any side-effects?
    No! The medicines are extremely safe and prepared from natural sources. These medicinal products undergo high dilutions and potentization which make them extremely safe to consume.
  • Is Homoeopathy safe for diabetics?
    Yes! They are absolutely safe for the consumption of diabetic patients and there are in fact, specific remedies for the treatment of Diabetes and the complications of Diabetes.
  • Is Homoeopathy safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women?
    Homoeopathy is absolutely safe for consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is in fact highly useful for treating complaints during pregnancy and lactation including decreased milk output, engorgement of the breast, bleeding during pregnancy and many more.
  • Do Homoeopathic medicines contain steroids?
    The answer is an emphatic NO! These medicines are manufactured by government certified pharmaceutical laboratories under strict standard regulations and any undue substances found in these medicines is punishable by law.
  • What are the clinical conditions that Homoeopathy can treat?
    As mentioned earlier, it is efficacious in treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. Homoeopathy is extremely useful in the treatment of disorders ranging from Depression, Anxiety, Learning Disorders, Autism, ADHD in children, Parkinsons disease, Migraine, Diabetes management, Hypertension Management, Thyroid disorder management, Bone and Skin disorders including Arthritis, PID’s, back pain, Eczema, Psoriasis,Hairfall, Acidity, Obesity management, Sleep disorders, Asthmas and Allergies, Sinusitis, Management of Neuromuscular disorders, Downs Syndrome management, Gynaeocological complaints like PCOD, DUB, Fibroids and many more conditions. It is also very useful in the treatment of disorders of lactation like decreased milk output, agalactia (no milk output); and pregnancy related problems like excessive vomitting, heartburn, swelling of the feet, backache etc.
  • Can Homoeopathy and Allopathy be consumed simultaneously?
    They can be, but they shouldn’t as it becomes difficult to judge which medicine is really helping you and you may end up taking both which might be unnecessary. However, it is practically difficult to apply this as a majority of patients come to Homoeopaths while they are already undergoing Allopathic treatment for years. Also, many allopathic drugs if stopped suddenly might have severe side-effects. Also in many incurable conditions like cancer, diabetes etc the patient is looking for comfort rather than complete cure. And hence, whatever form of medication gives relief to the patient must be encouraged. However, regular use of drugs like painkillers, psychiatric drugs, steroids etc which are known to have severe side-effects in the long term can gradually be tapered and finally completely withdrawn to improve the quality of life of the patient.
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© 2020 by Dr. Priyam R. Sharma




07:00 PM IST to 09:00 PM IST

(By appointment only)

Sunday Closed

Digital consult by prior appointment only.


Location 1:

Star Diagnostics and Healthcare Centre, 1, Hoor Manzil, Near Azad Nagar Metro Station, Andheri West, Mumbai - 53

Location 2:

Dr. Subodh Mehta Medical Center,

Trailokya 101, 1st Floor, 16th Road, Khar West, Mumbai - 52

M: +91 9702 452 030

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