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Adenoids: Can they be treated without surgery?

Updated: Apr 2, 2022

As parents, some of you might have encountered your child breathing through the mouth while sleeping, snoring, waking up gasping suddenly in the middle of the night, complaining of a blocked nose persistently etc.

A persistently blocked nose can be a feature of a variety of disorders like nasal polyps or allergies but it is one of the key features of what is called as adenoiditis or inflammation of the adenoids.

Let’s begin with the basics:

What are adenoids?

Adenoids refer to the mass of lymphatic tissue located at the junction of the back of the nose and throat. They are a part of the body’s immune system and play a major role in fighting infections in children.

Why is their presence important?

Adenoids help fight off the bacteria and virus that enter the body via the nose. They normally grow to 5-7years of age and thereafter, they start to shrink. While they start regressing on their own, sometimes they might persist beyond teenage years and cause problems. Adenoids are needed only until the body’s other defenses become strong enough to fight off infections. Post which, they regress and disappear on their own as the body no longer needs them.

Enlargement of adenoids: how does it occur?

Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections and nasal allergies can cause adenoids to enlarge. As soon as the germs enter via the nose, adenoids trap them and fight them down. In this process, the adenoids get temporarily swollen. With time, this swelling reduces and they come back to their original size. However, if the infections are recurrent, the adenoids are unable to return to normal size and get permanently enlarged.

Signs and Symptoms of Enlarged Adenoids:

1. Noseblock

2. Mouth breathing

3. Snoring

4. Sleep apnea (momentary pause in breathing during sleep). Child might wake up gasping.

5. This might lead to drowsiness during the day and lack of attention as well as poor performance in school.

6. Recurrent ear infections.

7. Difficulty in breathing.

8. Overall retarding of growth and development.

Adenoids are present in each and every child and it is a necessary tissue which provides immunity to the body. Adenoids do not get enlarged in every kid and you must visit a doctor to diagnose your child with enlarged adenoids. Self diagnosis might be harmful and may lead to unnecessary removal of healthy tissue responsible for providing immunity to a growing child.

If you notice any of the above mentioned signs and symptoms in your child, or if your child has a history of recurrent cold and cough with persistent nose block you must visit your Paediatrician for further course of action including diagnosis and treatment.

How can Homoeopathy help?

Homeopathic medicines are a natural and safe alternative to surgery in children with enlarged adenoids. Adenoids, when surgically removed, have the tendency to regrow, it has been noted. Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, are focussed on strengthening the child’s immune system. Once the immunity is strong, the child becomes less susceptible to recurrent respiratory infections. Once this key factor leading to enlarged adenoids is treated, the adenoids get the time to shrink and go back to their normal size.

Homoeopathy treats adenoids in two phases. In the first phase, Homeopathic medicines treat the ongoing infection, which is recurrent and generally acute and has caused the condition in the present moment. In the second phase, these medicines build immunity to prevent chronic respiratory infections. Homoeopathic medicines are safe and do not carry any adverse effects. They treat the condition of the enlarged adenoids in a very gentle and natural way.

When we aim at treating the cause rather than the effect and we have a more permanent cure to the problem of adenoids :).

Hence I say, Try safer and effective medicine; Try Homoeopathy 🙂

Until the next blog, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy :).

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