It’s been a while since I sat down to write a blog. Primarily, due to the lack of time; secondarily, due to the lack of a good topic that needs to be stressed on and one which is not overused and flooding the internet with confusing information.
And although what I am writing about today is also omnipresent, talked about millions of times, blogged about a million more times and there are plenty of people telling you what you should or should not do during monsoons; as a doctor who specializes in child health and as someone who truly believes that prevention is better than cure, I find myself drawn towards this topic and think that ‘education’ in the right direction is a must!

Let’s begin with why are monsoons so potent as promoters of a magnitude of illnesses ?
The moist and humid weather is perfect for proliferation and transmission of bacteria, viruses and vector-borne diseases (like malaria, dengue, chikunguniya etc).

Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi have a party during the Monsoons
This weather is also perfect for precipitation of underlying respiratory tract ailments especially asthma and hyperactive airway disease due to viruses, moulds, fungi etc. and also due to exposure to large amount of precipitated toxic environmental gases like sulphur-dioxide, nitrogen dioxide etc.


Cough, Wheezing and Asthma are precipitated in the monsoons
Certain pollens are dispersed in this season, again leading to irritation of the respiratory tract and causing illnesses.

Inhalation of Pollens lead to irritation of the respiratory tract
Stagnant pools of water are a breeding ground for mosquitoes that cause transmission of Malaria, Dengue and Chikunguniya.

Puddles or stagnant pools of water might have organisms causing diseases like leptospirosis and are a good breeding ground for mosquitoes causing malaria, dengue, chikunguniya etc.
Rapid temperature fluctuations also affect the child. For newborns and infants the thermoregulation is immature which might lead to hyperthermia or hypothermia like conditions. Sudden cooling of the body may also lead to development of common cold and flu. Excessive humidity might also lead to profuse sweating and dehydration like conditions.

Hyperthermia and Hypothermia like conditions can occur due to immature temperature control

Rains can often lead to common cold and flu & vector borne diseases
There are a variety of other causes, but these are the ones that we need to lay major emphasis on.
As we all are aware, “if you know the cause, you know what needs to be prevented.”
In the upcoming blogs, we will talk about the Common Illnesses encountered in Children in the Rainy Season; How to Prevent them and the use of Homoeopathy in Building Immunity, Preventing Recurrences and Treating these conditions.
Till then, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy 🙂