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SMOG: Let’s learn to face our own ills!

In the past few months, we’ve all heard the term smog very often. By now, we are all familiar with the fact that smog= smoke + fog.


This is not some image showing a misty winter morning… This image was clicked in the day with reduced visibility due to smog.

I remember, back in school we had a chapter on environmental pollution and there was a section on air pollution with a huge paragraph dedicated to smog.


Back then, we learnt it for answering questions in our exams and passing that particular class. Today, smog is a reality that we all are facing and it is time that we learn to combat the ills that we brought upon ourselves. Had we read those chapters from the science textbook for more than just the exams, maybe we might have been able to save ourselves from the situation we are in now. But we seldom follow the idiom “prevention is better than cure.”

We have now reached a stage where we need to discuss the “preventive measures” of dealing with the ill-effects of smog along with the prevention and further precipitation of smog. So let’s begin, with the hope that maybe this time we follow “prevention is better than cure” in order to save both; our present and future.


A major reason for Smog is Industrial pollutants

Smog is not just smoke and fog. It is a mixture of various emissions that occurs under specific climactic conditions. These emissions include various industrial pollutants, vehicular emission, burning, incinerators, hairspray, chemical solvents etc. It is typically seen that the temperature conditions affect the duration of the formation of smog and typically, smog formation is quicker on a hot, sunny day.

However, here in India, we are currently in the “winter” season and witnessing smog almost every single day in various cities. That in itself must alarm us and make us more aware of what we’ve been doing wrong and how we can set it to a right. (It is also related to the constant changes in the climate and temperatures).


Smog affects every single person who is exposed to the suspended pollutants, particulate matter and ozone. But, there are certain people who are at a higher risk of being affected by smog. These include:

  1. People with various respiratory illnesses like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema etc.

  2. People with allergic tendencies.

  3. Individuals who have lowered immunity due to presence of various chronic conditions.

  4. Children and Elderly people because in both these ages the immunity is low. In children, mainly because the immunity is still developing.

  5. Individuals who are involved in constant, strenuous outdoor activities or people who work mainly outdoors like traffic police, sales reps, roadside vendors etc.


The obvious effects of smog are seen on the respiratory system with multiple manifestations. The eyes, skin and immune system are also the targets of smog.


Few Effects of Smog on Health

1. RESPIRATORY MANIFESTATIONS: The respiratory manifestations range from symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, cough, cold to pain in the throat, hoarseness of voice and breathlessness. The prominent diseases include allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, worsening of asthma, aggravation of an underlying bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumonitis etc.


The worst thing about smog is that while the immediate effects might wear off in a few days with appropriate management; but the particulate matter in smog can continue to damage the lungs much after the irritating effects seem to have disappeared.

2. EYES: Irritation of the eyes with lachrymation (watering), itching and a form of allergic conjunctivitis is commonly seen as an effect of exposure to smog.


3. IMMUNITY: Smog is known to affect the immunity in children as well as old people. In children, it leads to lowering of the immunity to a level where their power to combat diseases is much more affected than in adults. It is therefore seen that children tend to fall ill more easily (also as their immunity is still developing). The major manifestations are usually seen at the level of the respiratory system and they can be quite distressing.The elderly are seen to have an aggravation of their COPD’s.

4. Another lesser known effect of smog (because it is not an immediate effect) is Low Birth Weight babies and Birth defects. Even as low as 5 micrograms of exposure to particles in smog gravely increases the risk of low birth weight babies.

5. Smog also increases the risk of developing RICKETS in children because of prolonged periods of being devoid of the necessary UV rays of the sun which affects the production of Vitamin D.

6. The particulate matter in smog has many carcinogens and there have been several studies that link smog as the causative agent for a variety of cancers.

7. Smog is also responsible for accidents and premature deaths.

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Accidents due to smog can lead to premature death


The development of organs in children continues till late teenage. As the growth and development progress, it is absolutely essential to have the correct environmental conditions conducive to proper development. Developing organs are very sensitive to toxic pollutants and these might lead to a variety of infections, injuries and can also cause reduction in the functional capacity of the lung.

The immune system is also in the developing stages in children and that also contributes to easy infections and diseases.


The activity in children is also much higher as compared to adults, which means that their respiratory function needs to be higher. While playing outdoors, they tend to inhale a lot more pollutants as compared to a person involved in sedentary lifestyle or working indoors.

It is for all these reasons that we need to be cautious about the health of our children in conditions like smog.


  1. Limit your outdoor activity! This must especially be done on days where the Air Quality Index is known to be particularly poor.

  2. In children, limit the play time outside and on really bad days, organise play activities indoors and prevent them from heading out.

  3. Where it is absolutely essential to head out of the house; always use masks!

  1. On coming back from outside, have a thorough bath to remove all the particulate matter from the body, hair and nails. Also, splashing water on your eyes while keeping them open helps in keeping them clean.

  2. Blow your nose often. This might seem as a simple and funny measure, but it can be useful to remove the accumulated dust and particles from the nose and lower their inhalation into the lungs.

  3. In adults, methods like Jal neti can be helpful in clearing the passages and keeping them healthy. In children and adults both, regular steam inhalation will be useful in clearing the air passages.

  4. On days when the air quality is bad, keep your windows closed.

  5. Use a sunscreen when going outdoors. This prevents skin damage and skin cancer.

  6. Creating general awareness, planting of trees, reducing individual carbon footprint, educating our children about the harmful effects and preventive measures as well as implementing these preventive measures with the help of our children will help them learn better. As adults, it is our responsibility to lead by example and children tend to learn faster by this method.

prevention is better than cure
  1. Plants such as Aloe Vera, Ivy and spider plants are known to be natural air purifiers and they minimize indoor pollution.

  2. Incorporating jaggery and tulsi in your daily diet is also known to help with strengthening the immunity and keeping the air passages healthy.

  1. Fruits rich in vitamin C like amla (gooseberry), oranges, sweet lime, lemon etc. also act as immunity boosters.

vitamin c
  1. Increasing daily water intake also helps.

  2. Visit your doctor immediately in cases of slightest discomfort, symptoms or aggravation of previous underlying conditions.

  3. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine based on building one’s own immunity and therefore, it can be very helpful in such conditions and in children to protect and build immunity. It also has great effect in various diseases like asthma, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, allergies and many other such conditions with long term effects thereby protecting your child and you against the prolonged, continuous effects of smog exposure.

In conclusion, PROTECT and PRESERVE the environment as well as the HEALTH, PRESENT and FUTURE of your children. Trust your doctor, follow their advice and try and reap the benefits of Homoeopathy!


Let’s aim for a better present and future! Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure.

Till the next blog comes out, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy :).

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